Paidong Industrial Zone Qiligang,Yueqing City,Zhejiang province,China.
Paidong Industrial Zone Qiligang,Yueqing City,Zhejiang province,China.
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    23 May, 2022
    Posted by elcb_admin
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    What is elcb?

    In electrical, the full form of the ELCB is the Earth-Leakage Circuit Breaker.

    The Earth-Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a safety device used in electrical devices with high ground impedance to prevent electric shock.

    The ELCB used to directly detect currents leaking to earth from an installation and interrupt the power supply.

    Once widely used, recent installations have changed to using residual current devices (RCD, RCCB or GFCI), which directly detect leakage current.


    what is the purpose of elcb?

    ELCB is generally used in industrial and housing electrical systems and is often used in places where the leakage is serious, such as bathrooms, swimming pools, etc.

    The main purpose of an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is to prevent human or animal injury from electric shock and fire caused by a short circuit, by automatically disconnecting the circuit when a current leakage is detected. All in all, ELCB plays an important role in electrical system safety.


    How to work principle ELCB?

    ELCBs protect equipment by detecting fault currents from the live wire to the ground wire. An induction coil in an ELCB device senses a sufficiently high voltage in the circuit, and it disconnects the device and remains off until manually reset.


    What types of ELCB are available?

    There are two types of ELCB

    • Voltage operated (Voltage ELCB).
    • Current operated (Current ELCBor RCD, RCCB).


    Voltage Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

    Voltage ELCB is a voltage operated circuit breaker, it has been widely used, many are still operating, but are no longer installed in new buildings.

    The voltage ELCB contains a relay coil, one end of the coil is connected to the metal body and the other end is grounded.

    The voltage operated ELCB detects the potential rise between the protected interconnected metal products (equipment frame, conduit, enclosure) and the remotely isolated ground reference electrode.

    They operate at a detected voltage of approximately 50 volts to open the main circuit breaker and isolate the power supply from the protected area.

    If the voltage of the device body rises due to the insulation failure of the device or contact with metal parts, the difference between the ground voltage and the body load voltage may result, and the risk of electric shock may occur.


    Compared with current ELCBs, voltage ELCBs have several disadvantages as below:

    • A broken wire in the fault to the load part or the ground part will cause the ELCB to fail to operate.
    • An additional third wire from the load to the ELCB is required.
    • Separate equipment cannot be grounded separately.
    • Any additional connection to the earth on the protected system may disable the detector.
    • ELCB can sense equipment failure and cannot detect whether a humans accidentally touched the live part of ELCB.

    Current Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

    RCCB Residual Current Circuit Breaker RCD 30mA TORD4-63



    The current ELCB type is a circuit breaker that is commonly used. It is also called RCD (Residual Current Device) or RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breaker), The Product Reference of TORD4-63 type.



    RCD/RCCB usually consists of a current transformer with multiple primary windings and one secondary winding. Under balanced conditions, the current through the secondary winding is zero.

    Under balanced conditions, the magnetic flux due to the current passing through the phase wire will be neutralized by the current passing through the neutral wire because the current flowing from the phase wire will return to the neutral wire.

    When a fault occurs, a small current will also flow to the ground.

    This makes the unbalance between the line and the neutral current produce an unbalanced magnetic field.

    This induces current in the secondary winding connected to the sensing circuit. This will detect leaks and send a signal to the trip system.


    1. The VoltageELCBs are less sensitive to fault conditions, and therefore have fewer nuisance trips
    2. The Voltage ELCBscan trip when a DC current fault is grounded, but the RCD/RCCB of the transformer interface cannot sense the ground fault.
    3. And the frequency is significantly higher than the frequency of the power supply.
    4. The currentELCBs is not affected by parallel grounding.


    What is the application scenario of ELCB?

    1. The voltage operation ELCBis usually used in places with poor grounding conditions (this kind of ELCB is rarely used now)
    2. The currentoperated ELCB is a popular circuit breaker used in industrial, commercial and household applications.

    In practical applications, ELCB is often used in the following aspects:

    Industrial application: In industrial application scenarios, the use of large mechanical equipment is often seen. In order to protect workers from electric shocks caused by electrical hazards and damage to mechanical equipment caused by electrical failures, ELCB protection can be used.

    House construction application: In places such as bathrooms and kitchens that are often exposed to water, it is advisable to use ELCB protection, and it is also suitable to protect the whole house. In use, ELCB is often installed in the distribution box to provide leakage protection for the circuit.

    In more delicate application areas, such as large medical equipment used in ships and hospitals, ELCB can be installed in the corresponding place to provide leakage protection for the entire circuit.


    What is the difference between ELCB and RCCB?

    What is RCCB?

    The complete form of RCCB in electrical is a residual current circuit breaker. It monitors the current of the neutral wire and the phase wire. When there is an imbalance between the currents of the two wires, the RCCB will trip to prevent electrical hazards.

    ELCB and RCCB have basically the same purpose, both provide leakage protection, but there are the following differences:

    1. ELCB needs to be grounded, while RCCB does not need to be grounded
    2. RCCB is cheaper than ELCB
    3. The ELCB monitors for ground faults through the ground wire, while the RCCB monitors all ground faults

    RCCB’s technology is more up-to-date than ELCB’s. In practical applications, it is recommended to use RCCB to completely replace ELCB.

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